If you’ve ever wondered how to help your autistic kids and clients to make friends — or even wondered if they want friends at all — then you won’t want to miss this episode!
Chris and I are going to be revealing data from a survey of autistic adults that may shake things up a little bit in the SLP world…
>> Plan on having some of the most common myths about autism and friendships DEBUNKED with well-researched data you won’t want to miss.
We’ll be talking about…
1. Research that PROVES autistic kids aren’t “antisocial” and actually do want friends…
2. Why having these friendships are an INTEGRAL part of their happiness…
3. How autistic friendships may look quite a bit different than neurotypical friendships…
4. Why using social skills interventions doesn’t generalize…
5. And what strategies you can start using right now to help your autistic kids make friends!
So, go through the link below and hit “Subscribe” to get notified!